

  1. It is mandatory to install the School App (National Gems Higher Secondary School) from the Google Playstore.
  2. Daily Attendance and Home Work of all students will be uploaded in the School App.
  3. An ailing child should not be sent to school.
  4. The school is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings. It is requested to see that students do not bring or wear valuables to school.
  5. Any correspondence with the school must have the name, class, section and admission number of the student for reference.
  6. Please do not phone the school on days when there is heavy rain, suspension of public transport or any other emergency. The school will function for those students who are present.
  7. Should a student be injured during class hours, the school will make every effort to contact the parent first. However, in case this is not possible, the school authorities will take the necessary and immediate measures.
  8. During the absence of a teacher from class, students must obey the Prefect /Monitor / Captain appointed to maintain good order.
  9. Students are reminded to address their teachers and all members of the staff, teaching and non-teaching with due respect and politeness.
  10. Fighting or any form of physical violence, bullying or use of bad language is strictly prohibited and will result in stern disciplinary action, such as detention / suspension / expulsion without any prior intimation to parents.
  11. No books, newspaper, periodicals or electronic gadget must be brought into the school premises without the Principal’s sanction. Students found with undesirable books or pictures in their possession or lending them to others are liable to be expelled from school.
  12. Bringing mobile phone, pen drives, CD to school is strictly prohibited. If such is found in the possession of any student it will be confiscated. Infringement of this rule may also lead to expulsion.
  13. Children will be given an opportunity to learn of the errors in his / her ways through ‘corrective measures’. It is not the intention of the school to penalize the parents, but to bring to their notice the unsatisfactory academic performance or conduct of their child, wherever and whenever this may be necessary, with a view to the welfare of the child.
  14. Promotion to the next higher class on TRIAL basis, on Re-Examination or Awarding of Grace Marks will not be allowed as per Council rules.